Confession Of A Guilty Conscience

My husband cheated on me two weeks before our church wedding in our apartment. We had been married through JP for almost a year at the time. It was about a year ago now and he just told me yesterday because of a guilty conscience. He is a very nice guy and I love him, but what should I do? — Confused


Too bad he didn’t just let a guilty conscience be his punishment instead of telling you about something you didn’t know and destroying your trust in him.

Everyone makes mistakes — some bigger than others — and once made there is no going back and undoing them. Can you forgive him? Can you love him enough to trust him again? This won’t come quickly but if you want your marriage to succeed you’ll have to let go of the past and focus on now and the future.

Don’t obsess about this incident and don’t be so jealous or questioning that he feels he loses nothing by cheating again. Let him know you love him and that love will allow him another chance. But also let him know that if he is stupid enough to cheat again, you’ll kick him to the curb.

Just my thoughts. — Queenie